Medical Tyranny – Convid-19


In today’s world, one thing is clear, the world is living under a medical tyranny. Whether you look at it from a legal, economic or health perspective, the world has never experienced this kind of totalitarian dictatorship on a global scale.

From beginning of 2020, individual’s rights have been trampled and stomped out. From the right to travel, visit friends and family, shop where and when you choose, the right to work and keep your business open. The right to openly and freely speak your mind and gather with other likeminded individuals and groups. All of this based on a claimed pandemic that, after 18 months is clear, never existed.

But, the most egregious of all, is the elimination of the freedom to choose. If you can not choose to wear a mask or choose to stay home or visit friends and family, or choose to go to work or school or to travel, you are not free.

Worse yet is the loss of the freedom to choose what you do with your body and what goes into it. How can it be said that you are free or that you live in a free society where you are forced or coerced into accepting an experimental poison just to work, travel or simply live your life as you choose. That is not choice, it is not freedom.

Freedom is not anyone’s to take, IT IS YOURS TO KEEP!

That means you have to do something. I have always said the most powerful word in any language is “NO”. It’s well past time to start using it. My 92 year old father-in-law, in fighting the Smart Meters years ago, said it best, “NOT HERE YOU’RE NOT”

The freedom to choose is the most fundamental right in a free society.

When an un-elected body or individual can dictate that you must inject anything into your body is there anything it can’t do?

Even the heroin dealer on the street corner gives you a choice.

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